Specialist In : All Type of Recording Drum, Perimeter & Pharmacy Instruments



 Biochemistry Lab

1 Analytical Balance
2 Urinometers calibrated
3 Hot air oven
4 Digital Colorimeters
5 Student Microscopes
6 Glucometer with strips
7 Thermometer
8 Semi autoanalyser
9 Boiling Water baths
10 Constant temperature water bath Tank Capacity
11 Laboratory Reagent Refrigerators
12 Complete Chromatographic Unit for paper & TLC
13 Centrifuge clinical
14 pH meters of wide range digital
15 Fixed volume pipettes
16 Complete Electrophoresis apparatus with power supply
17 Densitometer with computer
18 Bottle dispensers
19 All glass distillation apparatus
20 Vortex mixers
21 Incubator
22 Variable and fixed volume micro auto pipettes
23 Glass ware
24 Fume cupboard
25 Digital Analytical Balance
26 Balance Micro
27 Spectrophotometer
28 ELISA (Demonstration)
29 Laptop
30 Desktop Computer, with Printer
31 Photocopier and Scanner
32 Multimedia Projector with screen


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